Fort Knox Home Security

How to Organize Your Home Surveillance Footage

Fort Knox Security Services monitors your home and keeps it safe. But if you have surveillance cameras and home automation, chances are you want to keep an eye on things, too. If you want to make sure you can conveniently watch your home so you know your house and family is safe even when you’re not there, here are some tips on how to organize your home surveillance footage.

How to Organize Your Home Surveillance Footage

Organize How You View Your Cameras on Your Computer

While you can recognize any screenshot of part of your house or yard, title your cameras to make the footage even easier to break down: name each camera according to the room or area, but also include what you’re looking for in the title. If you’re monitoring the main room to make sure your pets are fine, label the camera ‘Living Room – Are the pets okay?’ and if you have a surveillance camera in your backyard, you might title it ‘Backyard – Is anyone in the pool and is the gate shut?’ Even though you know to look for these things, the notes make it much easier for you to check things over a short break or on your way to a meeting. You can even change the titles to reflect temporary events, like someone fixing the roof.

Also be sure to organize the cameras in a way that makes sense to you. Just like dual monitors can be easily programmed to the left and right, reorganize the footage on your computer so you can view multiple areas at once in an order that you can easily pan and glance at. The best part of these features is that you can access your footage over the cloud; whether you’re at work, on vacation, or just away from home, you can view the footage at the office or on your phone. Contact Fort Knox Security here to learn more about the best ways to conveniently view your home’s security footage.

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