Fort Knox Home Security

Preparing for Storm Season With Your Home Security

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The winter storm that hit Texas during February 2021 was a major snow and ice storm that caused major disruptions across the U.S. It resulted in 124 deaths and billions of dollars worth of damage. It has been called the costliest disaster in state history. Surprisingly, residents had about ten days to prepare for the storm. However, even with preparation, many were caught off guard by the widespread power outages. When it comes to the weather, there are not any guarantees. You have to prepare to the best of your ability. Now that Spring is approaching, the means tornado season, followed by the start of hurricane season on June 1. Knowing that these are yearly events, how can we prepare ahead and be ready for the unexpected also?

home security disaster preparation

Home Security Preparedness?

If you have a home security system protecting your property, then you also have an extra layer of protection during storm season. Bad weather or not, you still need to protect your family and property. To do this, your home security system needs the proper maintenance. Even during a power outage, your system has a backup battery to continue running. However, you must first make sure the batteries stay charged, especially when expecting poor weather. Also, batteries won’t last forever, mainly just long enough to put another plan into place, such as a generator. 

In addition, you don’t want to lose contact with your monitoring company. When the power goes down, the internet usually follows. Intruders take advantage of these circumstances, so it is vital to keep your home protected. Some security systems now get built with a backup cellular service. This runs on the same cellular service as your mobile phone and so is more dependable. 

Smart Home Security

In the event of a natural disaster and there is a call for an evacuation in your area, having a smart home eases some of the stress. How? Smart home devices keep you in touch at all times through using your app. They allow you to remotely view your home, inside and out, with your cameras. You can check your locks, turn lights off and on, and adjust the thermostat if necessary. Motion detectors will alert you if there is any unusual activity on the property while you are away. If you need to stay out of the area, you will worry a little less if you can watch what is going on through your camera’s eye. 

If you do remain at your home, your smart home still watches out for you. Threatening weather brings winds, ice, and more to tear at your house. Your environmental sensors sound the alert if there are dangers of smoke, carbon monoxide, or flooding. 

A Few Extra Items to Think About

Here are a few follow-up suggestions that are good to have in mind. Evacuating or staying home both call for preparedness. Due to the pandemic, there may be changes when it comes to finding a shelter. It would be good to review these facts before it is necessary. 

  • Don’t wait until the last moment
  • Have a list of important items to gather together
  • Medicines and personal documents in waterproof containers
  • Make sure your security company has an updated contact list
  • Check home security system for updates and batteries
  • Secure the outside of your home, store loose objects inside
  • Take pictures or video of your home’s contents for insurance purposes
  • If staying home, have dry goods to last a couple of weeks


None of us can predict our storm seasons, but we do know what can happen. We should hope for the best, but at the same time, prepare for the worst. Fort Knox Home Security is here to assist you in any way we can when it comes to making sure your home security system is ready for the season. Give us a call and let us know what your concerns are. Whether it is for yearly maintenance or other suggestions are needed, we can help. When it comes to protecting our families, you can never overprepare.

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