How to Keep Your Family and Home Safe During the Holiday Season

The holiday season should be a time of joy and peace, not one of worry and fear. You should not have to stress about the safety of your home and family, but you should be able to enjoy this time of celebration. Here are some tips and things to remember during the holidays to keep your family and home safe.


  • Make Sure All Lights Are Working Properly

Always make sure all your lights are working how they should be. A broken or dysfunctional light could lead to a fire in your home. Your festivities could quickly become a significant hazard.

  • Electrical Circuits

Depending on your energy provider, the holidays can make your electricity rates go through the roof. Make sure you do not overload your electrical circuits. Always unplug your Christmas lights and tree lights at night or when you are not home. The reduced usage of these lights reduces the risk of a house fire. It is also essential that they turned off if no one can monitor them in case of an emergency.

  • Keep Lights Away From Flammable Material

To further reduce the risk of a Christmas light related fire, be sure to keep your Christmas lights far away from flammable materials. Some things to stay away from the lights are gifts, blankets, and live Christmas trees.

  • Make Sure Stockings and Decorations Are Hung Safely Around the Fireplace

Hanging stockings on the fireplace is a classic part of preparing for Christmas. This festive decoration can become disastrous if you do it hastily. Make sure they are not hanging within reach of the fire.

Security From Intruders

  • Always Lock the Doors

This should be an easy one; instead it is easier to forget. By leaving your doors unlocked, you are practically handing over your home to possible intruders.

  • Make Your Home Look Occupied At All Times

Your home is much less likely to be invaded if it looks like there is someone home. Always try to make your house looks occupied even if you are not home. You can do so by leaving things such as shoes or bikes on the front porch, leaving your porch lights on or installing motion detecting lights.

  • Make Sure Your Security Systems Are Working Properly

Before you go anywhere, make sure you double check your security systems to be sure that everything is working correctly. After you know your systems are in working condition, be sure to utilize the security systems you have to keep your home safe. Always activate your alarm system when you are away to keep your house and possessions safe.

  • Look At Investing In New Security Features

If you do not have any security features in your home, or if the ones you have are minimal or outdated, now is a great time to look into installing some new systems and features. There are several available systems designed to keep your home safe. Do your research and figure out what you want and what is best for you.